Together We…

Engage Options - a partnership formed (the sister company of the internationally respected Solve Distribution). Both companies bring their substantial experience, teams, drive, and share the same core values in how business should be done: professionally and ethically.


We work with clients across all industries, but given the current Global Pandemic, the key focus is on the medical sector. 

Our service options include:

  1. Systems - Our team will help you to analyse and identify the areas in your systems function which, when transformed, will save time and money. From organisation design to contract management, policy and procedure to process optimisation, our aim is to ensure we truly understand your business and all stakeholders involved, focusing our efforts on the changes that make a real impact.

  2. Supply chain - With a focus on supply chain management and using the latest supply market innovations, we will boost your options, addressing the key areas that will enable you to maximise your cost/value strategies.

  3. Values - A key part of our approach we understand that it’s the people who truly make a difference to an organisation. We will work with your team, guiding them, and mentoring them. By developing your team to own the process developed, we will deliver long-term value to your organisation and to directly benefit the people working within it.

Responsible Business

As a partnership, and as individual companies, we not only believe that it is imperative to deliver significant, long-term value to our clients, but also to highlight social values and environmental concerns.

Integrity is one of our core values. We pride ourselves on being honest, open and fair. We have strong morals, underpinned by our code of conduct, and our commitment to creating social value in our local communities. We achieve this through the investment of both our time, and our focus on ethical procurement.

Ethical Procurement

Strong values are embedded within Engage Options. It is a key reason why we attract and engage with the leading professionals within our client’s organisation. We are open and honest in our working practices and driven by a desire to make a positive and sustainable impact on your company.

In addition to our values, are committed to supporting key charities, actively pursuing the environmental removal of plastics from our world. This is even more so given the magnitude of the PPE waste that will result from this pandemic.

Our Process

1. Collaboration

We believe in collaboration. This approach enables us to find solutions with our clients, not for them. By using this system, we pool experience, skills, philosophies, and backgrounds so that stakeholders gain access to an invaluable inventory of human resource which otherwise remains locked.

The power of collaboration has examples throughout history from music to politics, to science and engineering, to business, and plenty more in between. There’s no mystery as to why collaboration is so powerful. By pooling experience, skills, philosophies, and backgrounds stakeholders gain access to an inventory of human resource which otherwise remains locked.  

True collaboration comes from everyone occupying an equal platform where contributions, ideas and experience are equally valued and respected. Too regularly, third party consultants can view an invitation to work with an organisation as an opportunity to dominate and enforce an unworkable or inappropriate vision. 

2. Identify & Prioritise Risk

It can be difficult to apportion the right amount of time to every individual factor that contributes to be a successful business. How much time is dedicated to a risk identification and management plan ultimately is the decision of the leaders involved, but the biggest risk of all, is neglecting to do one at all.

We follow strict guidelines and procedures to allow any transaction to be protected, and to accommodate the wishes of all parties in conducting the matter as efficiently as possible by identifying the risk, and then putting in place measures and systems to best control these risks. These include:-

- People and assets protected from harm 

- Reduced legal liability 

- A protected environment 

3. Develop Bespoke Solution

We truly believe that a one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t work. 

We only use bespoke strategies that enable you to reach your end goal in the most effective and efficient way possible. Our proposals will always include and have central to them the matters and considerations that you hold most dear, and allow you to remain informed, involved and fully in control.

4. Delivery & Legacy

We give you sustainable financial performance and build a legacy that extends beyond our involvement.  

The team of people running your business / investment are your most important resource. By ensuring your people can carry on the good work during and after our direct involvement is important to us.